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The Role of English Language Proficiency in Tajikistan Medical Education

English is quickly becoming the professional language in the healthcare field. From now on, this will change how medical school works. In Tajikistan, where medicine has been used for a long time, being able to speak and write English well is becoming more and more important. That’s what this piece is about, along with ways for medical students to get better at language.

English as a Language for Medicine:

English is the major language used for work, colleges, and publishing when it comes to health around the world. Because of this, people who work in health care now need to be able to read and write English well. You can meet doctors from other countries, go to school abroad to learn more, and see the newest medical study, among other things. Tajik doctors are most likely to have this happen to them.

Being a Tajik MBBS student, they have to deal with these things.

A lot of people consider English an important language, but it’s a little difficult for medical students in Tajikistan to get better at it because: 

  • Teens and young adults have a hard time learning English because they hear it less outside of school.
  • Medical schools spend a lot of time on medical topics, so there isn’t much time to really learn a language.
  • People may not learn languages the same way they did in the past if they want to become doctors.
  • It could take you longer to learn English if you have trouble getting to the things that can help you.

How to become better at English?

Here are some things that can be done to help these Tajik medical students deal with them and get better at English:

  • English language training: Get English language training so that medical school students can learn English better and use it better in real life. One way to do this is to teach English skills along with medical studies. Another way is to put these skills into separate groups.
  • English medium Instruction: If there are more English-language medicine classes, students will learn English faster. Pay attention to certain classes or school years to start this method slowly.
  • Tech and language labs: New teaching tools can help everyone learn and practice at their own pace when language rooms are set up with them. Kids can learn a language faster and have more fun when they use tech tools.
  • Faculty Development Programme in English: It’s very important to teach the medical faculty in English so that they can help pupils and teach them well. There should be a lot of speech in school, and English-speaking teachers can lead the way.
  • When medical schools from around the world get together, they can set up ways for teachers and students to work together. These can help people learn the language better. People can make new lessons and work on school projects together if they work together.
  • English Language Test: You can see how well your kids are doing and help them figure out what they need to work on by giving them tests every day. This can help every child get the right language help.
  • International Collaboration: Partnering with different countries globally helps promote language immersion. These collaborations help provide opportunities for MBBS students. Even along with the other factors, English is one of the reasons for Indian students to pursue MBBS in Tajikistan.

Impact of the English language on the medical career of a doctor:

Most of the time, you need to be able to speak and write English well to practice medicine:

  • You should be able to talk to people from different backgrounds in a way that makes them feel safe and helps you take good care of them. As long as the doctor can speak and understand English, they can talk to patients who speak English or need interpreters.
  • It has been said that the most up-to-date medical papers and studies, most of which are written in English, are the best way to stay on top of medical progress.
  • In medicine, everyone speaks English. Now it’s easier for health care workers in different countries to talk to each other and share what they know.
  • You must be able to speak and understand English well if you want to watch talks, go to classes, and meet other medical workers at workshops and conferences in other countries.
  • It’s important to be able to talk to patients and doctors in other countries in a clear way so that telemedicine can grow. To put it another way, you need to speak English very well.


Tajik medical students are getting better at English. The country is teaching its future doctors the language skills they need to do well in a rapidly changing health care system. This is possible because there are many languages in the country and the teachers are good at what they do.